Living in Ottawa

Are you thinking of moving to Ottawa, the capital city of Canada? If so, you might be wondering what it’s like to live there. Is it a good place to live? What are the pros and cons of living in Ottawa?

Well, as someone who has been living in Ottawa for over a year now, I can tell you that it’s a great city with a lot to offer, but it also has some challenges and drawbacks.

Ottawa. Parliament Hill.
Ottawa. Parliament Hill.

In this article, I will share with you my personal experience and opinion about living in Ottawa, the advantages and disadvantages of living in this beautiful city. Spoiler alert: I love it here! 😍 But it’s not perfect. 😅

But before I get into the details, let me tell you a little bit about how Ottawa got to be the capital of Canada. It’s a pretty interesting story, and it involves some surprising twists and turns. You can read more about it in this article: How Did Ottawa Become Canada’s Capital?

Ottawa Demographic Information

Ottawa is a big, diverse, and bilingual city with over one million people living in it. It’s the fourth-largest city and metropolitan area in Canada, and the capital of the country. It has a lot of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and languages, who make it a vibrant and welcoming place to live. 😊

According to the latest census data, Ottawa’s population is composed of:

  • 24% foreign-born residents, who come from places like China, India, the UK, the Philippines, and Lebanon.
  • 23.7% visible minority groups, such as Black, Chinese, Arab, South Asian, and Filipino.
  • 4.6% Indigenous people, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit.
  • 44.2% bilingual people in English and French, which is the highest rate among Canadian cities.
  • Other languages are spoken by many people, such as Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, Cantonese, and Italian.

Ottawa’s population is also divided into different age groups and generations. The average age is 40.1, slightly higher than the national average of 39.4. The population consists of 23% children under 19, 63% adults between 20 and 64, and 15% seniors over 65.

Ottawa Downtown

Ottawa has different types of households and dwellings as well. There are 427,113 private dwellings in Ottawa, most of them occupied by usual residents (95%). The most common types of dwellings are single-detached houses (46%), apartments (37%), row houses (10%), and semi-detached houses (5%).

I hope this article gives you a good overview of Ottawa’s demographic information. I think it’s amazing how diverse and dynamic Ottawa’s population is. It shows how Ottawa is a great city to live in. I’m proud to be part of this community, and I hope you’ll join me someday. You’ll love it here! 😊

Advantages of Living in Ottawa

Ottawa is a safe city with low crime rates and high public safety.

Ottawa Downtown
Ottawa Downtown

One of the best things about living in Ottawa is that you don’t have to worry too much about crime or danger. Ottawa is one of the safest cities in Canada, with a low crime severity index of 45.2 in 2020. That means that the crimes that do happen here are mostly minor and non-violent, such as theft or vandalism. You can walk around the city at night without feeling scared or threatened.

Another reason why Ottawa is a safe city is that it has a high level of public safety and emergency services. The city has a well-trained and responsive police force, fire department, and paramedics. They are always ready to help you in case of any trouble or emergency. The city also has a good healthcare system, with several hospitals and clinics that offer quality medical care. You can trust that you will be taken care of if you get sick or injured in Ottawa.

I feel very lucky to live in such a safe city. I have never experienced any serious crime or danger here, and I always feel comfortable and secure. I think that living in a safe city makes me happier and healthier because I don’t have to stress about my safety or well-being. I can focus on enjoying my life and exploring the city. 😊

Ottawa has a stable economy with plenty of government jobs and low unemployment rates

Walking through Canada’s capital. Ottawa downtown. 4K.

Another advantage of living in Ottawa is that it has a stable economy with plenty of government jobs and low unemployment rates. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, which means that it hosts many federal government offices and agencies. These provide a lot of employment opportunities for people who work in public administration, policy, law, security, and other fields. Government jobs are usually well-paid, secure, and offer good benefits.

Ottawa also has a low unemployment rate compared to other cities in Canada. In 2020, the unemployment rate in Ottawa was 6.8%, while the national average was 9.4%. This means that there are more jobs available than people looking for work in Ottawa. This also means that the economy is resilient and can withstand shocks and crises better than other places. Ottawa has a diverse economy that includes other sectors such as technology, education, health care, tourism, and culture.

I think that living in a city with a stable economy and plenty of jobs is great for my career and financial security. I have been living in Ottawa for several years now and I like that I can find other jobs easily if I want to change my career path or explore new opportunities. I feel confident and optimistic about my future in Ottawa. 😊

Canadian Silicon Valley is in Ottawa

Did you know that Ottawa has the largest technology park in Canada? That’s right, the Kanata North Technology Park is home to more than 540 companies and over 28,000 workers. It’s like the Canadian Silicon Valley, where you can find some of the most innovative and cutting-edge tech firms in the world. Some of the big names include Amazon, Nokia, IBM, Cisco, and Shopify.

Living close to a technology park has many advantages. For one thing, you have access to a lot of job opportunities and career growth in the tech sector. You can work for some of the best companies in the industry, or start your own venture with the support of the tech community. You can also network with other tech professionals and learn from their expertise and experience. For another thing, you can enjoy the benefits of a vibrant and dynamic tech ecosystem. You can attend events, workshops, conferences, and pitchfests at Hub350, a new coworking and meeting space in the park. You can also collaborate with academic and finance partners from universities and colleges that have satellite campuses there. You can also have fun and relax at the local food and beverage options, such as microbreweries and bakeries.

I think that living near a technology park is awesome for anyone who loves tech and innovation. I am a software developer and I live right next to the largest technology park in Canada! Is it now awesome? 😊

Real Estate is more affordable in Ottawa than in Vancouver or Toronto

One of the advantages of living in Ottawa is that real estate is more affordable than in Vancouver or Toronto. According to the Canadian Real Estate Association’s MLS system, the average national price now stands at $716,828. In Vancouver and Toronto, that’s about enough to buy a one-bedroom condominium. However, in Ottawa, you can get a lot more for your money. The average home sale price in Ottawa’s housing market was $670,221 in June 2023, which is lower than the national average and much lower than the prices in Vancouver and Toronto.

I think that buying a home in Ottawa is a smart and realistic choice for many people. You can find a variety of homes that suit your needs and preferences, such as detached houses, townhouses, condos, or apartments. You can also choose from different neighbourhoods and areas that offer different amenities and lifestyles, such as downtown, suburbs, or rural. You can also enjoy the benefits of owning a home, such as building equity, having stability, and personalizing your space. You can also save money on rent, mortgage payments, and taxes compared to living in Vancouver or Toronto. 😊

Ottawa is a beautiful city with a lot of green spaces, waterways, and historic buildings

Walking around Lansdowne Park on a rainy day in Ottawa. Canada. 4K.

One of the reasons why I love living in Ottawa is that it is a beautiful city with a lot of green spaces, waterways, and historic buildings. Ottawa has more than 850 parks and over 200 km of recreational pathways that you can enjoy all year round. You can bike, hike, skate, or ski along the scenic routes that connect the city’s natural and urban landscapes. You can also relax and picnic at the many gardens and lawns that offer stunning views of the city.

Another thing that makes Ottawa a beautiful city is that it has a lot of waterways that add charm and character to the city. Ottawa is situated at the confluence of three rivers: the Ottawa, the Rideau, and the Gatineau. These rivers offer a variety of activities and attractions, such as boating, fishing, kayaking, canoeing, and rafting. You can also admire the historic Rideau Canal, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the world’s largest skating rink in winter. You can also visit the majestic Parliament Hill, which overlooks the Ottawa River and features Gothic Revival architecture and impressive monuments.

I think that living in a beautiful city enhances my quality of life and well-being. I appreciate the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Ottawa, and I like to explore and discover new places and sights in the city. I feel proud and happy to call Ottawa my home. 😍

Ottawa has a high-quality of education

Another benefit of living in Ottawa is that it has a high quality of education with several universities and colleges, as well as bilingual schools and programs. Ottawa has four universities and two colleges that offer a wide range of programs and degrees in various fields. Some of the most prestigious and renowned institutions are the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Algonquin College, and La Cité Collégiale . These schools have excellent academic standards, research facilities, faculty, and student services.

Ottawa also has a lot of bilingual schools and programs that cater to both English and French speakers. Ottawa is officially a bilingual city, which means that both languages have equal status and recognition in the government, public services, and education. You can find many elementary and secondary schools that offer immersion or extended programs in French or English. You can also enroll in language courses or tests at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute at the University of Ottawa. You can also enjoy the cultural diversity and richness of both languages in the city.

Ottawa. Skating on Rideau Canal.
Ottawa. Skating on Rideau Canal.

One of the reasons why I think Ottawa has a low crime rate is because of its high quality education. If you have kids, you would want them to go to schools that have high ratings, which Ottawa is known for. You would also want them to go to universities that have high levels of education. Ottawa has some of the best schools and universities in Canada. Because Ottawa is a relatively small city, you can get to any university in 15-20 minutes by car. That’s very convenient and time-saving.

Disadvantages of Living in Ottawa

Ottawa has cold and long winters that can be harsh and unpleasant for some people

One of the drawbacks of living in Ottawa is that it has cold and long winters that can be harsh and unpleasant for some people. Ottawa has an average winter temperature of -10.8°C, and it can get as low as -30°C or even lower on some days. Ottawa also has an average snowfall of 224 cm per year, which means that the city is often covered in snow and ice for months.

Ottawa. Parliament Hill in the Winter.
Ottawa. Parliament Hill in the Winter.

I have to admit that I am not a big fan of the cold and long winters in Ottawa. I don’t like wearing layers of clothes, shovelling snow, scraping ice, or driving in slippery roads.

But you can make the wintertime more enjoyable by doing winter sports and activities like skiing, skating and snowshoeing. Ottawa has nice ski resorts around and very nice skating places within just a few minutes of driving. You can have fun and stay fit by hitting the slopes at Camp Fortune, Mont Cascades, or Calabogie Peaks. You can also glide on the ice at the world’s largest skating rink, the Rideau Canal Skateway, or at one of the many outdoor rinks in the city. You can also explore the nature trails and parks by snowshoeing at Gatineau Park, Mer Bleue Bog, or Pinhey Forest.

Walking along Ottawa river in the winter
Walking along the Ottawa river in the winter

I think that doing winter sports and activities is a great way to beat the cold and have fun in Ottawa. I have tried skiing and skating a few times, and I really enjoyed them. They made me feel more energetic, happy, and adventurous. They also gave me a chance to see some amazing views and scenery in Ottawa. I would recommend anyone who lives in Ottawa to give them a try. 😎

Ottawa is not as busy or diverse as other major cities in Canada, such as Toronto or Montreal

One of the disadvantages of living in Ottawa is that it is not as busy or diverse as other major cities in Canada, such as Toronto or Montreal. Ottawa has a population of about 1 million people, while Toronto and Montreal have more than 5 million and 4 million respectively. This means that Ottawa has fewer people, businesses, events, and attractions than the bigger cities.

Some people may find Ottawa boring or dull compared to Toronto or Montreal, which are more lively and vibrant. Toronto and Montreal have more cultural, entertainment, and nightlife options, such as festivals, concerts, theatres, clubs, and restaurants. They also have more ethnic and cultural diversity, which adds to their richness and variety. They have more immigrants, languages, cuisines, religions, and traditions than Ottawa.

Ottawa requires a high level of French proficiency for many government jobs and services, which can be a challenge for some newcomers

One of the disadvantages of living in Ottawa is that it requires a high level of French proficiency for many government jobs and services, which can be a challenge for some newcomers.

Ottawa is officially a bilingual city, which means that both English and French have equal status and recognition in the government, public services, and education. This means that many government jobs and services require candidates and users to be fluent in both languages. For example, federal public servants must meet certain language requirements to be hired or promoted. Similarly, many health care, social, and legal services are offered in both languages, and clients have the right to choose their preferred language.

Ottawa has a limited public transportation system that relies mostly on buses, which can be slow and unreliable at times

One of the disadvantages of living in Ottawa is that it has a limited public transportation system that relies mostly on buses, which can be slow and unreliable at times. Ottawa has only one light rail transit (LRT) line, the Confederation Line, which runs from east to west across the city. The LRT has been plagued by technical issues, delays, and breakdowns since its launch in 2019. The rest of the public transportation system consists of buses, which run on dedicated lanes or mixed traffic. Buses can be affected by traffic congestion, weather conditions, accidents, or detours.

Some people may find it inconvenient or frustrating to use public transportation in Ottawa, especially if they need to travel long distances, change routes, or commute during peak hours. Public transportation can be crowded, uncomfortable, or infrequent. It can also be expensive, as the monthly pass costs $122.50 for adults and $94.50 for seniors and students. Some people may prefer to drive their own cars, use taxis, or bike to get around the city.

I think that public transportation in Ottawa needs to be improved and expanded, especially the LRT system. I hope that the city will invest more in public transportation and make it more efficient, reliable, and accessible. 😊

Ottawa is often seen as a boring or conservative city that lacks nightlife

One of the disadvantages of living in Ottawa is that it is often seen as a boring or conservative city that lacks nightlife. Ottawa is known as the capital city of Canada, which means that it is mainly focused on politics, government, and public administration. Ottawa has a reputation of being a serious and formal city, where people work hard and follow the rules. Ottawa also has a relatively small and quiet downtown area, where most of the businesses close early and there are not many options for entertainment or fun.

Some people may find Ottawa boring or conservative compared to other cities in Canada, such as Montreal or Vancouver, which are more lively and diverse. Montreal and Vancouver have more cultural, entertainment, and nightlife options, such as festivals, concerts, theatres, clubs, and bars. They also have more young and creative people, who add to their energy and vibrancy. They have more fun and exciting things to do and see in the city.

However, I also recognize that Ottawa has its own charm and attractions, and it is not as boring or conservative as some people think. Ottawa has a lot of festivals and events throughout the year, such as Winterlude, Bluesfest, Tulip Festival, and Canada Day. Ottawa also has some nice bars and pubs, such as The Heart & Crown, The Black Tomato, and The Manx. I think that living in a boring or conservative city can also be calm and pleasant. 😊

A short video I took when skating in the Patinage Forest

And you can always go bowling if you are bored 🙂.

Me bowling 🙂.

Written by

Sergey Kargopolov

My name is Sergey Kargopolov, a software developer based in Canada. When I'm not engrossed in creating video courses for fellow developers, I enjoy exploring the beautiful local neighborhoods. Traveling within my country offers a delightful change of pace from my routine. Follow me on Twitter.