If you are looking for a unique and memorable experience in Canada, you should consider visiting Parc Omega.

This safari park in Quebec lets you get up close and personal with the wildlife of Canada, from feeding carrots to friendly moose and elk, to watching wolves and bears from behind glass windows. You can also choose to stay overnight in one of the park’s rustic and cozy accommodation options, such as a cabin overlooking a wolf den or a tipi surrounded by deer.

What is Parc Omega?

Parc Omega is a safari park in Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours, Quebec, Canada, where you can discover the wildlife of Canada in their natural environment. You can drive through the park and feed the animals, walk along the trails and observe them, or even stay overnight in a cozy cabin or a tipi.

Parc Omega is more than just a zoo, it’s an adventure! Whenever I drive from Montreal, Ottawa, Laurentian, or Tremblant, it’s always just around an hour away.

Spanning a vast 2,200 acres, it’s a tapestry of lakes, meadows, forests, and hills. This park is more than just about watching animals. It’s about appreciating, learning, and connecting with Canadian wildlife.

A short video clip about Parc Omega

When is Omega Park Open?

Parc Omega is open all year round, but the opening and closing hours may vary depending on the season and the day of the week. Here is a table that shows the general hours of Parc Omega for different seasons:

Spring (March 1st to June 23rd)Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Summer (June 24th to September 5th)Monday to Sunday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Fall (September 6th to October 31st)Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Winter (November 1st to February 28th)Monday to Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

However, these hours may change due to weather conditions or special events, so you should always check their website or call them(819 423-5487) before you visit.

How much does it cost?

The cost of entering Parc Omega depends on the type of ticket you choose, the season you visit, and the number of people in your group. Here are the general prices of Parc Omega tickets for different seasons:

SeasonAdult (16-64)Senior (65+)Child (6-15)Child (2-5)
Spring (March 1st to June 23rd)$40.88$36.53$30.44$16.09
Summer (June 24th to September 5th)$40.88$36.53$30.44$16.09
Fall (September 6th to October 31st)$40.88$36.53$30.44$16.09
Winter (November 1st to February 28th)$34.00$31.00$23.00$16.09
Note: Prices might change. Double-check their prices online.

You can also buy a season pass for $100 per person or $300 per family, which gives you unlimited access to the park for one year.

You can buy your tickets online through their website or at the gate when you arrive at the park. 

You can also save money by visiting the park on weekdays rather than weekends, as it is usually less crowded and more enjoyable.

How to Get to Parc Omega?

Omega Parc is located in Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours, Quebec, Canada, about an hour’s drive from Montreal, Ottawa, Laurentian and Tremblant. It is easily accessible by car, bus, train, or plane. Here are some directions and transportation options for getting to Omega Parc from four major cities:

  • From Toronto: You can drive to Omega Parc from Toronto by taking Highway 401 East and then Highway 416 North to Ottawa. Then, take Highway 417 East and exit at Exit 145 (Hawkesbury). Follow Route 148 East and then Route 323 North to Montebello. You will see the entrance of Omega Parc on your right after about 10 minutes. The drive takes about six hours. You can also take a train or a plane to Ottawa or Montreal and then follow the directions from there .
  • From Ottawa: You can drive to Omega Parc from Ottawa by taking Highway 50 East and exiting at Exit 210 (Montebello). Then, follow the signs for Omega Parc on Route 323 North. You will see the entrance of Omega Parc on your right after about 10 minutes. The drive takes about an hour. You can also take a bus to Montebello with Autobus Galland and then take a taxi or a car to Omega Parc.
  • From Montreal: You can drive to Omega Parc from Montreal by taking Highway 40 West and then Highway 15 North to Laval. Then, take Highway 50 West and exit at Exit 210 (Montebello). Follow the signs for Omega Parc on Route 323 North. You will see the entrance of Omega Parc on your right after about 10 minutes. The drive takes about an hour. You can also take a train or a bus to Montebello with VIA Rail or Autobus Galland and then take a taxi or a car to Omega Parc .
  • From Quebec City: You can drive to Omega Parc from Quebec City by taking Highway 40 West and then Highway 20 West to Montreal. Then, follow the directions from Montreal as mentioned above. The drive takes about four hours. You can also take a train or a plane to Montreal or Ottawa and then follow the directions from there .

What animals are at Parc Omega?

Parc Omega Animals
You will see different animals as you drive through the park

One of the best things about Parc Omega is that you can see a wide range of animals that live in Canada, from the majestic moose to the adorable raccoon. You can learn more about these animals, their habitats, and their behaviors as you drive or walk through the park. Here are some of the different species of animals that you can see at Parc Omega, with some facts and information about each one.

  • Bison: Bison are large, hairy, and horned animals that belong to the bovine family. They are also known as buffalo, but they are not related to the African or Asian buffalo. Bison are herbivores that graze on grasses and sedges. They can weigh up to 900 kg (2,000 lbs) and run up to 60 km/h (37 mph). They live in herds and have a complex social structure. Bison are native to North America and were once hunted to near extinction by European settlers. Today, they are protected and have recovered in some areas. You can see bison at Parc Omega in the Prairie zone.
  • Deer: Deer are graceful and gentle animals that belong to the cervid family. They have long legs, slender bodies, and antlers that grow and shed every year. Deer are herbivores that feed on leaves, twigs, fruits, and nuts. They can weigh up to 200 kg (440 lbs) and jump up to 3 m (10 ft) high. They live in groups called herds and communicate with sounds and scents. Deer are widely distributed across Canada and have adapted to different habitats. You can see deer at Parc Omega in the Meadow zone.
  • Elk: Elk are large and powerful animals that belong to the cervid family. They are also known as wapiti, which means “white rump” in Cree. Elk have long necks, dark brown fur, and impressive antlers that can span up to 1.5 m (5 ft). Elk are herbivores that graze on grasses, shrubs, and bark. They can weigh up to 450 kg (1,000 lbs) and run up to 70 km/h (45 mph). They live in herds and have a complex mating system called rutting. Elk are native to North America and Asia and prefer open woodlands and mountainous areas. You can see elk at Parc Omega in the Forest zone.
  • Caribou: Caribou are medium-sized and resilient animals that belong to the cervid family. They are also known as reindeer, but they are different from the domesticated reindeer of Europe and Asia. Caribou have thick fur, large hooves, and branched antlers that grow on both males and females. Caribou are herbivores that feed on lichens, mosses, grasses, and willows. They can weigh up to 250 kg (550 lbs) and swim up to 10 km/h (6 mph). They live in herds and migrate long distances across the tundra and boreal forest. Caribou are native to North America, Europe, and Asia and have adapted to cold and harsh environments. You can see caribou at Parc Omega in the Tundra zone.
  • Wolves: Wolves are intelligent and social animals that belong to the canine family. They have long legs, muscular bodies, and thick fur that varies in color from gray to black to white. Wolves are carnivores that hunt prey such as deer, elk, moose, bison, and caribou. They can weigh up to 80 kg (175 lbs) and run up to 60 km/h (37 mph). They live in packs and have a hierarchical structure led by an alpha pair. Wolves are native to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa and have a wide range of habitats. You can see wolves at Parc Omega in the Rocky Mountain zone.
  • Bears: Bears are large and furry animals that belong to the ursid family. They have short tails, round ears, and powerful claws that help them dig, climb, and catch fish. Bears are omnivores that eat plants, fruits, insects, fish, and meat. They can weigh up to 600 kg (1,300 lbs) and run up to 50 km/h (31 mph). They live alone or in small groups and hibernate in winter. Bears are native to North America, Europe, Asia, and South America and have diverse habitats such as forests, mountains, grasslands, and arctic regions. You can see bears at Parc Omega in the Black Bear zone.
  • Foxes: Foxes are small and agile animals that belong to the canine family. They have long snouts, pointed ears, and bushy tails that help them balance and communicate. Foxes are omnivores that eat rodents, birds, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. They can weigh up to 15 kg (33 lbs) and run up to 70 km/h (45 mph). They live alone or in pairs and den in burrows or hollow logs. Foxes are native to North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia and have adapted to urban and rural areas. You can see foxes at Parc Omega in the Arctic zone.
  • Raccoons: Raccoons are cute and curious animals that belong to the procyonid family. They have black masks, striped tails, and dexterous paws that help them open doors, jars, and trash cans. Raccoons are omnivores that eat fruits, nuts, insects, fish, and garbage. They can weigh up to 10 kg (22 lbs) and run up to 25 km/h (16 mph). They live alone or in small groups and sleep in tree hollows or abandoned buildings. Raccoons are native to North America and have been introduced to Europe and Asia. They are very adaptable and can live in forests, marshes, farms, and cities. You can see raccoons at Parc Omega in the Farm zone.
Bison at Parc Omega.
Bison. I took this picture from a distance. I don’t think it is a good idea to come close to a Bison.

These are just some of the amazing animals that you can see at Parc Omega. There are many more to discover, such as lynx, beavers, porcupines, skunks, owls, eagles, and more. 

How to feed the animals at Parc Omega?

Feeding a deer at Parc Omega
You can walk to a deer and feed it

One of the most fun and exciting things about Parc Omega is that you can feed the animals from your car or on foot. However, you also need to be careful and respectful when feeding the animals, as they are still wild and can be unpredictable. Here are some tips on how to safely and responsibly feed the animals at Parc Omega.

You can rent a special car at Parc Omega.
Animals can scratch your car or make a dent in it. It is a good idea to rent a car at the park instead of driving in your own car.
  • What kind of food to bring: The only food that you can bring to feed the animals is carrots or apples. You can buy them at the entrance or at the souvenir shop. Do not bring any other food, such as bread, chips, candy, or meat, as they can be harmful or unhealthy for the animals. 
  • How much to give: You can give as many carrots or apples as you want to the animals, but do not overfeed them. A good rule of thumb is to give one carrot or apple per animal per encounter. This way, you can share your food with more animals and avoid making them too full or spoiled. Also, do not throw your food at the animals, as this can hurt them or make them aggressive. Instead, hold your food out gently and let them take it from your hand.
  • Which animals to avoid: While most of the animals at Parc Omega are friendly and eager to be fed, there are some that you should avoid feeding or approaching. These include wolves, bears, foxes, lynx, bison, and boars. These animals are either too dangerous, too shy, or too territorial to be fed by visitors. They are separated by fences or barriers from the rest of the park, so you can still see them from a safe distance. Do not try to cross these fences or barriers, as this can put you and the animals at risk.

What to do at Parc Omega?

Deers at Parc Omega
Deers are everywhere

Parc Omega is not just a place to see animals, it’s a place to experience them. There are so many things to do at Parc Omega that you will never get bored. You can drive through the park, walk, or even stay overnight.

Here are some of the attractions and activities that you can enjoy at Parc Omega, with some tips and recommendations from my personal visit.

Driving safari

Feeding a deer in Parc Omega

The driving safari is the main attraction of Parc Omega. It’s a 12 km (7.5 miles) loop that takes you through different zones of the park, where you can see animals from your car window. You can feed the animals with carrots or apples that you can buy at the entrance or at the souvenir shop. You can also stop at various points of interest along the way, such as observation towers, picnic areas, and historical sites.

What to take with you on safari drive?

  • A bag of carrots or apples to feed animals. You can buy these at the park.
  • A camera or a phone with enough battery and storage. You will want to capture the amazing moments and memories that you will have at Parc Omega.
  • Drinks and snacks. You can also buy food and beverages at the park, but it’s always good to have your own supplies in case you get hungry or thirsty. Do not give your snack food to animals.
  • A bag or a bin for your trash. You should not litter or leave any garbage in the park, as this can harm the animals and the environment.
  • A map or a guide of the park. You can get one at the entrance or download one from their website. This will help you navigate the park and learn more about the animals and the zones.

How long does it take to get through Parc Omega?

The driving safari can take anywhere from one hour to three hours, depending on how fast you drive, how many stops you make, and how busy the park is. I recommend that you take your time and enjoy the scenery and the animals. You can also do the loop more than once if you want to see more or different animals.

Walking trails

Deer in the Parc Omega

You can walk at Parc Omega, but only on the designated walking trails. You cannot walk on the driving safari loop, as this is dangerous and prohibited. You can park your car at the entrance or at any of the parking areas along the loop and then walk to the trails. You can also take a shuttle bus that runs between the entrance and the trails.

There are three walking trails that you can choose from:

  • The First Nations Trail,
  • The Forest Trail, and
  • The Arctic Trail.

Each trail has its own theme and features different animals, plants, and attractions. You can also feed some of the animals on the trails with carrots or apples.

Are dogs allowed in Parc Omega?

No, dogs are not allowed in Parc Omega, as they can disturb or harm the animals and vice versa. You should leave your dog at home or find a pet sitter if you want to visit Parc Omega.


If you want to extend your stay at Parc Omega, you can choose from different types of accommodation that suit your preferences and budget. You can stay in a log cabin that overlooks a lake where beavers live. You can sleep in a tipi that is decorated with Indigenous art and symbols. You can camp in a tent that has a fireplace and a picnic table. Or you can experience the ultimate thrill of sleeping in a wolf cabin that has panoramic windows looking directly into the wolf den.

  • Log cabin: The log cabin is a cozy and comfortable option that can accommodate up to four people. It has a double bed, a sofa bed, a bathroom, a kitchenette, and a fireplace. It also has a terrace that offers a stunning view of the lake where beavers live. You can watch them build their dams and lodges from your cabin. The log cabin is available all year round and costs $199 per night.
  • Tipi: The tipi is a traditional and authentic option that can accommodate up to four people. It has two double beds, a wood stove, and an electric heater. It also has a picnic table and a fire pit outside. The tipi is decorated with Indigenous art and symbols that reflect the culture and history of the First Nations. You can learn more about them on the First Nations trail that is nearby. The tipi is available from May to October and costs $149 per night.
  • Tent: The tent is a rustic and adventurous option that can accommodate up to four people. It has two double beds, a fireplace, and an electric heater. It also has a picnic table and a fire pit outside. The tent is located in the forest, surrounded by nature and wildlife. You can hear the sounds of the animals at night and feel closer to them. The tent is available from May to October and costs $99 per night.
  • Wolf cabin: The wolf cabin is an exclusive and exciting option that can accommodate up to four people. It has a king size bed, a sofa bed, a bathroom, a kitchenette, and a fireplace. It also has panoramic windows that look directly into the wolf den. You can see the wolves up close and personal from your cabin. You can observe their behavior, their interactions, and their hierarchy. The wolf cabin is available all year round and costs $399 per night.

These are some of the accommodation options that you can choose from at Parc Omega. They all include access to an observation lookout and a bridge that allow you to watch the animals from above.

Do you need to book Accommodation in advance?

Yes. You can book online through their website or by phone(819 423-5487). You should also check their opening hours and dates before you visit, as they may change depending on weather conditions or special events.

Is Parc Omega open in the winter?

Yes, Parc Omega is open in the winter, and it’s a great time to visit. However, you should also be prepared for the cold and dress warmly. You should also check the road conditions and the weather forecast before you visit, as they may affect your travel plans.

Special events

Parc Omega also hosts special events throughout the year that celebrate the seasons and themes of nature.

Some of the seasonal and thematic events at Parc Omega are:

  • Omega by Night: A magical night walk through a forest trail that is lit up by thousands of lights. You can also enjoy stories and songs around a campfire, hot chocolate, and marshmallows. This event runs from June to October on Fridays and Saturdays from 8:30 pm to 11:00 pm.
  • Halloween at Parc Omega: A spooky and fun celebration of Halloween at Parc Omega. You can see the animals dressed up in costumes, decorate pumpkins, play games, and win prizes. You can also join a haunted walk through the forest trail, if you dare. This event runs from October 1st to October 31st on weekends from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • Winter Wonderland: A wonderful winter experience at Parc Omega. You can see the animals in their snowy environment, feed them carrots or apples, and take pictures with them. You can also enjoy sleigh rides, snowshoeing, ice skating, and tobogganing. This event runs from December to March on weekdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and on weekends from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Is Parc Omega worth it?

There are also bears in Parc Omega, but they are behind the fence and you cannot come close to them like you can with deer, for example.

The answer is yes, according to many satisfied visitors and reputable sources. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself what other people have to say about Parc Omega. Here are some of the recent reviews from Tripadvisor:

  • Super! I have been visiting many zoos and parks for work and free time, but this one is amazing. Fauna is 100% North American. We spent there 8+ hrs, and the mood and feeling were great for the whole time. We highly recommend it.
  • I FINALLY SAW A MOOSE!! This was so much cooler than I could ever have imagined – tons of different kinds of deer converge on your car to eat the carrots you have purchased , right out from your hands- they are very polite for the most part and docile! It’s a little scary that you might hurt them with your car as you drive slowly through the packs of deer that come to visit.. but surprisingly that didn’t happen. The 7.5 mile drive took us about two hours and we did finally see a moose!! White arctic foxes have a special area , with fences that you drive through , and bears are more of a zoo like experience – fences up that you can see… and NOT drive through.. lol. It was a lovely park.. my only question? How many carrots DO the deer eat daily? And is it safe for them to eat so many?
  • Close encounters with elk, deer, boars, etc. Although they tell you animals will come up to your car, we really didn’t know what to expect as animals tend to get full, want to sleep, or stay out of the heat. We arrived at 10:45a (a good target time) with bags of carrots in hand and were soon overwhelmed by elk, deer, wild boars, etc. eating right out of our hands! Lots of laughs for our whole crew (ages 3-72).

Parc Omega tips and tricks

Parc Omega is a place where you can have fun, learn, and make memories with your family and friends. However, you also want to make sure that you are prepared and informed before and during your visit. Here are some useful tips and tricks that I learned from my personal experience at Parc Omega.

  • When to go: Parc Omega is open all year round, but the best time to go depends on what you want to see and do. If you want to see the animals in their natural environment, you can go in spring, summer, or fall, when the weather is mild and the park is green and colorful. If you want to see the animals in their snowy environment, you can go in winter, when the park is covered in white and the animals are more active. However, you should also check the weather forecast and the road conditions before you go, as they may affect your travel plans.
  • How to interact with the animals: Parc Omega is a place where you can interact with the animals in a respectful and responsible way. You can feed the animals with carrots or apples that you can buy at the entrance or at the souvenir shop. You can also pet some of the animals on the walking trails or at the farm. However, you should also follow some rules when interacting with the animals, such as:
    • Do not feed any other food than carrots or apples to the animals, as they can be harmful or unhealthy for them.
    • Do not throw your food at the animals, as this can hurt them or make them aggressive. Instead, hold your food out gently and let them take it from your hand.
    • Do not touch or approach any animals that are separated by fences or barriers, such as wolves, bears, foxes, lynx, cougars, bison, and boars. These animals are either too dangerous, too shy, or too territorial to be fed by visitors.
    • Do not litter or leave any garbage in the park, as this can harm the animals and the environment. Instead, use the trash cans or bins that are provided.
  • Where to eat: Parc Omega is a place where you can enjoy a picnic with your own food and drinks. You can also buy food and beverages at the park, such as sandwiches, salads, hot dogs, burgers, fries, pizza, coffee, tea, soda, water, and more. There are several places where you can eat at Parc Omega, such as:
    • The picnic areas that are located along the driving safari loop. They have tables, benches, shelters, fire pits, and washrooms.
    • The cafeteria that is located at the entrance of the park. It has tables, chairs, microwaves, vending machines, and washrooms.
    • The restaurant that is located near the First Nations trail. It has tables, chairs, a fireplace, a terrace, and washrooms.
  • What to avoid: Parc Omega is a place where you can have a safe and enjoyable time if you follow some common sense rules. However, there are also some things that you should avoid doing at Parc Omega, such as:
    • Do not walk on the driving safari loop, as this is dangerous and prohibited. Instead, use the designated walking trails or take the shuttle bus that runs between the entrance and the trails.
    • Do not bring your dog or any other pet to Parc Omega, as they can disturb or harm the animals and vice versa. Instead, leave your pet at home or find a pet sitter if you want to visit Parc Omega.
    • Do not smoke or vape in Parc Omega, as this can harm the animals, the environment, and other visitors. Instead, use the designated smoking areas that are provided,
    • Do not drive your own car on the safari trip, unless you are prepared for some scratches and dents. Some of the animals, especially the bison and the elk, have large and sharp horns that can damage your car. Instead, you can rent a car from Parc Omega or take a guided tour in a bus or a wagon,
    • Do not let animals put their heads into the window of your car, as they can get stuck, panic and cause serious damage to you, your car or themselves.

These are some of the tips and tricks that I learned from my visit to Parc Omega. They helped me make the most of my visit and have a fun and memorable time. I hope they will help you too! 🙌

Final Words

Sergey Kargopolov at Parc Omega
Me there 🙂

In conclusion I would like to say that I 100% recommend visiting Parc Omega!

And If you are looking for more places to visit in Canada, you can check out this page where you can find other popular destinations and tips on how to plan your trip. Canada is a beautiful and diverse country that has something for everyone. Don’t miss the chance to explore it! 🇨🇦

Written by

Sergey Kargopolov

My name is Sergey Kargopolov, a software developer based in Canada. When I'm not engrossed in creating video courses for fellow developers, I enjoy exploring the beautiful local neighborhoods. Traveling within my country offers a delightful change of pace from my routine. Follow me on Twitter.